Join the Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee.

Bond Oversight Committee
On November 8, 2022, the voters of the Santa Rita Union School District approved a Twenty-Four Million Nine Hundred Thousand dollar ($24,900,000) bond proposal to modernize existing elementary and middle schools; provide state of the art classrooms; repair old facilities and infrastructure; and enhance safety/security across the district. With the passage of the bond, it is required to establish a Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee. The Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee shall have at least seven (7) members. The District is looking for candidates to fill vacancies for a two-year term.
The Committee is designed to include individuals with business experience, senior citizens, and members of the community. Members must be residents in the Santa Rita Union School District. District officials, employees, vendors and contractors are prohibited from serving on the committee.
The Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee serves in an advisory role and does not have decision-making authority, they review expenditure reports produced by the District to ensure that bond proceeds are expended only for the purposes set forth in the ballot measure. The Committee will also review the audits and reports of expenditures of bond proceeds and will inform the public concerning the same.

The District has open seats and is inviting members from the community to serve on this committee. The application is the first item listed below. The applications are due to the District Office (via in person drop off, us mail or email [email protected]  by February 28, 2023.
Application and Bylaws are attached below